People Recommend, I Procrastinate

Picture of an old-style portable radio

It happens to me a lot. Friends and relatives recommend some disability-related thing to me, because they know about my interest in disability issues and culture, and I “Like” it, Bookmark it, but don’t watch it. Often it’s because I assume it’s going to be some version of Inspiration Porn. Sometimes it's because the context or genre is something I’m not that interested in. Either way, I procrastinate. I resist jumping on what I perceive to be some sort of bandwagon. Then months later, I finally get around to reading, listening, or watching it, and BAM! I feel like a dope because it’s really great and I could have enjoyed it and talked about it earlier.

A couple of months ago, some friends and cousins tagged me on their Facebook shares of this violin player with disabilities who won an NPR "Tiny Desk Concert" contest:

Gaelynn Lea: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

It’s not exactly my kind of music, but it’s close enough that I enjoy it beyond Lea’s disability. And the way it’s all presented says everything that needs to be said without explicitly saying it … which is the best way to “have” your inspiration without it becoming Inspiration Porn.

I will try in future to try disability-related stuff out when people recommend it to me. Also, I’m grateful to Vilissa Thompson, (@VilissaThompson), for revisiting and reevaluating how we define and interact with Inspiration Porn, in a way that allows for genuine inspiration without being gross.