Thinking Today ... And A Blogging Break

Blogging Break sign with old-style rainbow tv test pattern in the background

Blogging Break sign with old-style rainbow tv test pattern in the background

I've got nothing original or groundbreaking here, just an attempt to restate the basics a bit more simply than usual:

We want to be seen and talked about as sentient people, not as ...

We want to be allowed to have the same range of feelings and responses to things that other people have, without additional social expectations and layers of judgment, just because we are disabled.

We want to be able to choose where and how to live, and what to do with our lives, even if we need lots of help every single day just to get out of bed and go to the toilet.

We want all the normal things everybody else does to be approximately as easy to do and hassle-free as they are for everyone else. We are fine with adapting and doing things differently, but not with things being harder, more exhausting, or impossible … especially when we know they don’t have to be.


I'm going to take a blogging break until Saturday, April 23. I'll still be Twitter-ing and Facebook-ing, and working on #CripTheVote, but I need a short rest from trying to write something interesting daily.