#CripTheVote: Part 2

#CripTheVote - Our Voices, Our Vote, Americans with Disabilities and Political Participation - #GOPdebate Twitter Chat - February 13, 2016, 8 PM Eastern / 5 PM Pacific - Follow @AndrewPulrang @DisVisability @GreggBeratan on Twitter

The first #CripTheVote Twitter Chat was a tremendous success! Dozens of people offered ideas and observations on disability issues in this year’s U.S. election campaign. There were so many great ideas it was hard to keep up.

The next #CripTheVote event will be tomorrow, Saturday, February 13, from 8:00 to 9:00 PM Eastern, before the 9:00 Republican debate.

Same as last night, Alice Wong (@DisVisibility), Gregg Beratan (@GreggBeratan), and I (@AndrewPulrang) will host, and we hope to see lots of disabled people participating again. I can’t tell you how encouraging it is to see so many people who not only are interested in promoting disability policy issues, but really seem eager to do so. Alice Wong has created a Storify so you can see what people said:

How to participate in the next #CripTheVote Chat on Saturday, February 13, at 8 PM Eastern.

When the debate begins, check out the live-stream: http://twubs.com/CripTheVote

Follow @AndrewPulrang @DisVisibility @GreggBeratan on Twitter for updates

Use the hashtags #CripTheVote and #GOPDebate when you tweet

More Information on Voting and Disability

A note on language and usage of the word ‘crip’:

Crip Theory, Wright State University

Questions? Media inquiries?