More Apps & Accessories
/Back in May, I did a couple of blog posts about Apple products for people with disabilities:
Apps For That?
May 11, 2016
Apps For That? Follow-Up
May 24, 2016
It looks like Apple has again rearranged some of its disability-related products, so I want to link to them and share that with people who read this blog:
Operating System Accessibility
An overview of built-in accessibility features of Apple’s computers and mobile devices.
Apple still maintains a list of scores of mobile device “Apps” designed to be helpful to people with disabilities.
iPhone Accessories - Home Automation
This is where Apple lists third-party add-ons that control household appliances through the iPhone and iPad.
iMac Accessibility - Accessibility
Apple has added a collection of attachments that help disabled people control and interact with Macintosh computers.
I am an Apple person, so I naturally gravitate towards Apple products. One of these days I do plan to write about similar products from other companies. Please feel free to comment below about non-Apple products you use or know about that make computers and mobile devices accessible, and that turn off-the-shelf technologies into adaptive solutions for people with disabilities.