Blog Updates

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I didn't post anything yesterday and I'm not going to post anything original today, except for this notice. That's because there's a lot going on at the moment, especially around the #CripTheVote campaign I'm involved in with Alice Wong and Gregg Beratan. If you want to see what #CripTheVote chats are like, look through this summary of last night's event.

Tonight's #CripTheVote chat will start at 8 PM Eastern. We will again discuss the results of our issues survey. You can see the results here, or click here if you prefer a text-only report.

Tomorrow I will post a new Disability Blogger Link-Up. This time I am asking people to post items that would make good, basic introductions to disability activism and culture, for people new to the subject. What readings or videos would you recommend to a disabled person just starting to process what being disabled means, or parents of a disabled child who want to be good allies, or anyone who wants to gain a deeper, more progressive understanding of disability? Find a favorite or two, and get ready to post them tomorrow and over the weekend.